What can acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture is a whole body medicine, so it can treat just about anything. Among the conditions most frequently treated are: Addications, Allergies, Ankle Swelling, Arm and Shoulder Pain, Arthritis, Asthma, ADD and ADHD, Back Pain, Blood Pressure (high or low), Bronchial Conditions, Bursitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Circulation Problems, Colds and Flu, Colitis, Constipation, Cough (chronic or acute), Depression, Detoxification, Diarrhea, Disc Problems, Diverticulitis, Dizziness, Emphysema, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Gall Bladder Disorder, Gas, Gynecological Dysfunction, Hay Fever, Headache, Heart Problems, Hemorrhoids, Hip Pain, Immune Systemn Deficiency, Indigestion, Infertility, Injuries (auto, home, sports, work) Insomnia, Joint Pain, Kidney Problems, Knee Pain, Leg Disorders, Liver Problems, Neck Pain, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Pain, Pleurisy, PMS, Prostate Problems, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Shingles, Shoulder Pain, Sinus Trouble, Skin Problems, Stomach Problems, Sore Throat, Thyroid Condtions, Ulcers, Urinary Problems, Whiplash, and more.
Will insurance cover my treatments?
This depends on your individual insurance coverage. More and more policies are covering acupuncture and massage. Currently, Mary is a participating In-Network provider with MODA and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon. Acupuncture and Massage Therapy are also covered by all motor vehicle insurance (Personal Injury Protection) for any injuries due to a motor vehicle accident. Depending on the plan, other insurance companies such as Providence, UMR, and Pacific Source cover our services with their Out-of-Network benefits. Some Medicare advantage plans have acupuncture coverage (in and out of network), but traditional medicare does not cover acupuncture when provided by an acupuncturist. Please call the office with any specific insurance coverage questions (541) 915-2257
What is a visit like?
For your first visit, you will be asked questions about your health history and current condition that you are seeking treatment for. At follow-up visits you will be asked about changes since the last time you were in. Your acupuncturist may feel your pulses and look at your tongue, as well as palpate areas of complaint in order to make a differential diagnosis of your condition. Then you will be asked to lay down or sit for your treatment, you may be asked to disrobe to access parts of your body. All treatments are in private rooms, gowns and towels are provided for modesty. Single use sterile needles will be inserted in various parts of the body and retained for 15 to 45 minutes depending on the condition being treated. Other modalities such as cupping, gua sha, massage, or nutritional / herbal supplements may also be discussed and/or used during your treatment. Your acupuncturist will also discuss a treatment plan and tell you how often you need to be seen and for how long. Plan on treatments lasting about 1 hour and be sure to have something to eat before receiving acupuncture.
What should I expect after my treatment?
Treatment outcomes depend on what you are being treated for and how long you have had the condition. Most people feel different directly after their treatment. After acupuncture there is a settling in period of about 24- 48 hours as the body adjusts to the shift in qi flow. During that time it is best to rest and avoid any strenuous activities, drink plenty of water and take it easy. It is helpful for follow-up visits if you make note of the changes you feel and how long the change lasted. The majority of patients report sleeping very well the nights following their acupuncture treatments
Does acupuncture hurt?
When most people think about getting stuck with a needle they think about medical hypodermic needles used for injections or inoculations. Hypodermic needles are much larger, stiff and hollow. Acupuncture needles are very small and flexible, most are about the size of a human hair. For the most part acupuncture is painless. Some points will be felt and others not, usually the points felt are areas where the qi is very congested or the muscles are very tense and bound. Some points will have a "hurts so good" kind of feel. There should be no lasting pain with the needles, once the needles are inserted the treatments are very relaxing and most people fall asleep or go to "acu-land" which is not really asleep or awake, but very restful.
What is qi?
Qi, pronouced "chee", does not have a direct translation into English, but can be thought of as a vital aspect of life, like oxygen or nutrients. It is invisible, but its presence is apparent in the workings of bodily organs and systems. Qi is the life force; the total absence of qi is death. One's good health depends on a balanced distribution of qi throughout the body, disease occurs when there is a blockage in the qi circulation or deficiency of qi.